American Nuclear Society Topical Planning Meeting Tuesday March 29, 2016 Present: Alan Waltar, Kris Troyer, Bob Tibbats, Paul Rittman, Jerry Woodcock, Wanda Munn, Darrel Fisher, Steve Baker, Mike Leimon, Tony Brooks, Wayne Glines. The meeting started at 6:30 pm with introductions and a summary of the recent planning workshop held near Leavenworth. The workshop resulted in a partial outline of the meeting, a decision that the meeting should be held to three days, and a decision to hold the meeting at the Pasco Red Lion. Darrel Fisher discussed the firm commitment of the national and international standards committees to keep allowable dose limits at the current low levels, and continued use of the Linear No Threshold assumption. He also pointed out some paradoxical policies including proposing to increase allowable fetus exposure and using this increase to support keeping the allowable dose to adults at the current low level. The meeting included extensive discussions of the rational expressed by the standards committees for the LNT and limits, the lack of scientific support for the current regulatory requirements, and the undesirable impacts that these unnecessary limits have on society. Alan asked participants at the workshop (Tony Brooks, Bob Tibbats and Wanda Munn) for their assessment of the workshop results. All three agreed that the outline is good and that it needs quite a bit more work before it is ready to support ANS meeting placement and approaching potential sponsors. Wanda expressed concern that the outline would keep all participants so busy that they won’t have time to interact with each other and debate topics necessary for success. She also was concerned that there would not be sufficient time for non-meeting activities such as Hanford and winery tours. Kris Troyer shared Wanda’s concern and was also concerned that activities should be planned for spouses not attending the meeting. Wanda also expressed concern the we still don’t have many administrative details required such as logo and letterhead. She said that she would contact Virginia to see what could be done. Steve Baker said that the outline should include plans for including the press. Gerry Woodcock agreed that is important and said that it would be addressed. Alan pressed consistently for the committee to complete the work required to be able to establish invited speakers, request support from external organizations, make commitments to a venue, and request ANS meeting placement. The dilemma is circular: we can’t make commitments until we have resources to provide payment, and we can’t request funding from external organizations until we have speakers established. The work-around must be to get tentative agreements from invited meeting participants and establish a tentative reasonable budget so that we can proceed. He encouraged committee members to do these things as rapidly as possible. Paul Rittman suggested that insurance companies have a vested interest in the outcome of the topical meeting and should be a funding source. There was a general agreement that insurance companies should be contacted, but no assignment was made for someone to contact them. Wayne Glines discussed publication of meeting proceedings in general, including video recording of some presentations and written publication of the papers presented. He was not sure whether the ANS meetings manual requires a publication plan before placement but he will find out before the next meeting. The next meeting was scheduled for April 26 at 6:30pm. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.